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Year 9-10B Soccer Tournament

On Saturday, 17th of March year 9 & 10 boys from Meadowfair and Keysborough campus participated in a soccer tournament. The year 10B class, including students: Walid, Muaz, Erion, Ibrahim D, Harry, Sungeen and Ibrahem K, from Keysborough campus won the entire event after much difficulty and challenge, winning the finals by a margin of 3-0.

It was a very exciting and fun day with the games being very competitive and challenging. There were times when we thought we were going to lose but we bounced back and never gave up. Overall, it was a very wonderful day. We also were awarded trophies along with tickets to a soccer match.

Walid Babak & Erion Sulemanovski, 10B, Keysborough Campus